I am very happy today. I have just passed the exam to obtain the driving license after 12 years driving. That is awful, you will think. But do not think the worst. I am not telling the whole truth. The fact is that these last days I have read and watched on TV opinions about the results of a survey that suggests that a great percentage of people who have obtained the driving license would not pass the exam today. I think this fact can explain a lot of the accidents that happen on the road every year and recklessness that some drivers show when they are behind the wheel.
I consider myself a cautious and quite good driver. In fact, I have had only one minor accident (not people wounded, only a little hit in the other car) during the last 12 years. But I hope that this statistic continues for a long time.
Despite the facts, I wanted to try to pass the exam again and I did it. I found a link to a recent test in an online newspaper and I get 25 out of 30 questions correctly answered, that is an 83%. That is fine because I was thinking to try the motorcycle exam in the near future and now I am more confident to get it at first try.
However, I think that the most important on the road is to be calm, use your head and do not drive too fast. Anyway, I would recommend you to try to pass the exam again, just for fun. I show you a summary of traffic signals explained on the photograph and I hope it can help you.
Take care on the road.