lunes, 31 de enero de 2011


World is getting faster and faster. People is stressed and suffer a lot of pain derived from our new way of life. Our health, physical and mental, is fighting a new battle against the speed of life. I think that stress is a symptom of not being able to keep the pace of life. I would compare that situation with somebody running in a treadmill and when starts to increase the speed, at some point, he needs to slow down or stop running because it is not possible to keep running at that speed.
I am completely sure that stress is a consecuence of speeding up our life, but my question is, who is going to decrease the speed of our "treadmill", modern life. When you are running at gym, you can stop as you get tired, however, when you are suffering stress in your life, you can't stop your life and simply get off.
Two or three decades ago, life was more peaceful than now. There were a lot of problems, of course, but everything happened slowly, and you had time to think and realize what was going on. In these days, there are a lot of things happening right now and we will probably never know, and all the events that we are involved in, sometimes we are merely witnesses, because we do not have time to react and think about which should be our response to those stimulus.
The main diference is that, back in time, we had much less information to process and communication means were slower than now, so we had much time to think, if we wanted or needed. Nowadays, we can communicate with anybody at any time and anybody can communicate with us whenever they want. So, things happen faster, kids grow faster, fashion trends last an instant. So, in summary, we do not have time to assimilate all the changes that occur in our lives and, eventually, our body, our mind or even both crash.
Taking all above into account, maybe in some years the only human being capable of keeping the pace will be Usain Bolt.

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

John Doe

Do you know John? That is what I thought. Let me tell you something about him. He is 21 and is living in Gorebridge while he is attending to the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh. His hometown is Sunderland, a city near to Newcastle, but he moved 2 years ago when he started at the university. He uses to go back home at least once a month to visit his parents, his younger sister Mary and friends, but he is really happy with his life as it is now. He is doing quite well with his studies and has a lot of new friends to have a lot of fun when he is not studying. He has a driving license but he does not have a car and only drives his dad's car when he is visiting his home. He usually uses public transport when he is in Edinburgh or, if wheather is good, his bike.
John likes sports a lot. He practices basketball and football often and goes to the swimming pool and to the gym once or twice a week. His closest friends call him "Blondie" because he is so blonde he looks like Swedish or German. He has a lot of friends because he is outgoing and friendly, he is quite funny and girls love him because he is handsome and witty. He is thinking about going abroad for 2 or 3 years after finishing at the university and maybe learning a new language like French or German, meeting new people and maybe getting a good job.
For now, he will continue living with two other students in a rented apartment in Gorebridge, a village about 30km away from Edinburgh. During the week, he wakes up at 7am, has breakfast and takes a bus at 7:45 to get to Edinburgh. There, he goes to the library and stays there until 11am or 12am studying and at that time he attends some classes until 3pm or 4pm. After that, he uses to have lunch with some of his friends and during the rest of the afternoon he attends several optional classes and spends one or two more hours in the library. At the end of the day is when he uses to practice some sport, before taking the bus back to the apartment to have dinner and go to bed at about 11pm.
During the weekend things are different. On Saturday, he wakes up not before 10pm because he uses to go out the night before until late. Then, after having a light breakfast he uses to go to the swimming pool for at least an hour before lunch. During Saturday afternoon he uses to make plans with some friends or with some girl, and usually those plans extend late into the night. So, Sunday morning almost does not exist for him and he usually spends the afternoon having a coffee and chatting with some friends or flirting with some girl. When he goes to visit his family he does almost the same but changing the location and people involved.

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011


Here it is again, this irrational need that raises from the bottom of my soul. I do not understand why this is happening to me and how long it is going to last. I am trying to handle it the best I can, I have managed to control it and take advantage of it, but I am a bit concerned because I do not know if I will be able to keep it this way or not in the future.
So far, it has been something good for me. It helped me to improve my skills and I am more confident, but the future is a mistery, it could change. This is the reason why I defined it as irrational in the the beginning of this post, because I can not figure it out what is the reason why this has been happening to me. It sounds a bit crazy but this is the way it is.
This impulsive feeling makes me write about anything that comes up to my mind, and when it occurs my fingers just start to type and words appear in my laptop's display as from nowhere. I could try to ignore it and avoid writing but it helps me with my English and, above all, I enjoy a lot doing it. So, I prefer to continue writing this crazy posts in my blog and I hope somebody enjoy them. If you read some post in this blog and you like it or dislike it, I invite you to leave some comment.

sábado, 8 de enero de 2011


I am collecting a lot of information about French learning. I am going to start reading as much as possible to adquire vocabulary and get used to the language. I will also start listening to some basic dialogues related with what I read.
This is the first step to fulfill my New Year's resolutions and I intend to carry out all of them. So, in order to do that, I will start as soon as possible and I will be patient and constant.
This situation makes me understand people that is starting learning English now and I am feeling that I have a lot to learn. It seems a huge task and it is indeed, but I know that it is worth it, and I only need to spend a small amount of time every day in order to learn step by step and enjoying it. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn a language or to learn anything. If you spend a good time while doing something you will keep doing it and that is what you need to learn, studying a bit every day. So, I am going to follow my own advice and will try to learn some French, while continuing to improve my English.
This is also going to be the year that I am going to quit smoking after a few years being a passive smoker. This would have not been possible without the last government's law against smoking and, of course, of all the smokers that are smoking outdoors now. I think that our lungs will be grateful, and will work better from now on.

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


It hurts and I think it is going to be something serious. The pain started in the morning and it was growing and growing during all day. I applied a pomade hoping that tomorrow in the morning all this pain will be gone. However, I have to admit that I do not rely on this happening.
I am pretty sure that I injured my knee the day before yesterday while I was running in the rain. I did not feel anything wrong then, but apparently something bad had happened to me. I put some ice over my knee trying to reduce the inflammation but it is not working very well until now.

Now, it is the day after and I have a diagnosis. Some of the fibers in my left knee have been torn and I have to avoid doing sudden turns and, unfortunately, I can not run, cycling, going to gym, or even dance. This last thing is a good one because I am a very bad dancer. Nevertheless, I have to admit that I would like to be in a good condition now, even if I had to dance during all night long.
It is not the first time I have an injury and I presume it will not be the last. So, I know that I have to be patient and in a week or two I will be running, cycling, or even dancing again.


I have just finished watching "The tourist", a film whose main characters are played by Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. Have you heard about them? I am sure you have. Well, I have to say that, in my opinion, the movie is interesting and, above all, entertaining. I thought that it would be an action movie, but it is more a kind of thriller with some action scenes and, of course, a love story behind.
I am not going to write about this movie, though I have mentioned it because something happened during the first minutes of the film. I watched it in the original version and, at first, all characters speak in French for a while. This circumstance made me feel a bit annoyed and encouraged me to start learning French with more enthusiasm, in the same way I usually learn English.
From my experience, I know that it will be really hard in the beginning, but I need to be pacient and do not give up. I realized that I only needed a bit of motivation to help me to start this journey into the world of French. Someday, I could be writing other blog like this in French or translating this one into that language. I wish I could do it now. Instead, I will start learning the basics and trying to get used to read and listen to it.

sábado, 1 de enero de 2011


This is a kind of poem that I have just written after listening to the song "Enjoy the silence" by Depeche Mode. Do not ask me how. I am not sure if I know how to answer that question. But, the fact is that I wrote it and I hope you like it.

Solitude gives us silence,
a chance to speak to our soul,
a chance to listen to our thoughts.
Silence gives meaning to speaking
Silence is sparse in words but
there is no words without silence
Sometimes silence means more than words
Sometimes words mean nothing
Talking is not only speaking words,
it is more like speaking words of wisdom,
it is more like sharing thoughts,
it is teaching, it is learning,
it is communication, it is knowledge
Silence means nothing,
and silence means everything.
So enjoy the silence!

...and enjoy de poem.

New Year's resolutions (III)

I am sitting here, eating grapes and chocolates in New Year's day. I am a bit tired because of a long, long night out but I am trying to write something about my goals for this brand new year.
First of all, I would like to keep all good things that I got during 2010. And, of course, to prove that I am smart enough to avoid repeating the mistakes I made.
After being a long time without doing workout, I started going to gym one month ago and I am feeling much better now. I hope not to have injuries for a long time.
My interest in traveling continues, and I would like visiting other cities, mainly located in Ireland or United Kingdom.
In regard to my English knowledge, I will try to study a bit and apply for EOI exams next June. Besides, I will keep improving my conversation skills while enjoying chats with my teacher, and writing posts in this blog as often as possible will continue being a priority for me. I also try to learn French a bit harder because, during 2010 I just made a first approach.
I will try to learn new things, enjoy new experiences and meet new people.
I have to say that in 2010 I almost fulfilled all my resolutions, except for learning French and taking dance classes. There are 364 days left to try to achieve all this goals. I hope it will be long enough.
I would like to wish everybody a very happy New Year 2011!