sábado, 8 de enero de 2011


I am collecting a lot of information about French learning. I am going to start reading as much as possible to adquire vocabulary and get used to the language. I will also start listening to some basic dialogues related with what I read.
This is the first step to fulfill my New Year's resolutions and I intend to carry out all of them. So, in order to do that, I will start as soon as possible and I will be patient and constant.
This situation makes me understand people that is starting learning English now and I am feeling that I have a lot to learn. It seems a huge task and it is indeed, but I know that it is worth it, and I only need to spend a small amount of time every day in order to learn step by step and enjoying it. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn a language or to learn anything. If you spend a good time while doing something you will keep doing it and that is what you need to learn, studying a bit every day. So, I am going to follow my own advice and will try to learn some French, while continuing to improve my English.
This is also going to be the year that I am going to quit smoking after a few years being a passive smoker. This would have not been possible without the last government's law against smoking and, of course, of all the smokers that are smoking outdoors now. I think that our lungs will be grateful, and will work better from now on.

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