jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


I have just finished watching "The tourist", a film whose main characters are played by Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. Have you heard about them? I am sure you have. Well, I have to say that, in my opinion, the movie is interesting and, above all, entertaining. I thought that it would be an action movie, but it is more a kind of thriller with some action scenes and, of course, a love story behind.
I am not going to write about this movie, though I have mentioned it because something happened during the first minutes of the film. I watched it in the original version and, at first, all characters speak in French for a while. This circumstance made me feel a bit annoyed and encouraged me to start learning French with more enthusiasm, in the same way I usually learn English.
From my experience, I know that it will be really hard in the beginning, but I need to be pacient and do not give up. I realized that I only needed a bit of motivation to help me to start this journey into the world of French. Someday, I could be writing other blog like this in French or translating this one into that language. I wish I could do it now. Instead, I will start learning the basics and trying to get used to read and listen to it.

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