miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

New Year's resolutions (II)

It is a tradition in this time that people make their New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, it is almost a tradition not to make a real effort to fulfill them. I always liked to keep my word and then I try to make realistic resolutions.
Last year I made my list of resolutions for the first time as an excuse to put a post in this blog. I have been reading it and I have realized that I made them come true.
This year I would like to manage to make my wishes real again, and that wishes are below.
  1. Being conservative, I would like to keep all that things that I have got during last year.

  2. I would like to continue going to gym, keep going to run, use my bike more often, swimming, etc. I would try to share some of these moments with friends, as far as possible.

  3. During next holidays, I would like to travel abroad, most likely to Ireland.

  4. I want to continue improving my English level. One of the ways to be able to do it is writing posts in this blog in a regular way. Other way is traveling to countries with English as official language.

  5. It would be nice to start learning other foreign language, maybe French.

  6. Finally, and most important, it would be amazing if next December 31st I can say: I made it!, I fulfill all my New Year's resolutions.

I hope that your wishes and resolutions will come true and A happy New Year 2010!

Note: During last New Year's Eve I realized that maybe I should add to my list: learn to dance. That is not a priority but I will take into account.

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