jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018


It is exactly 3:43am and I am on the couch writing this post. I have been here for more than one hour, after spending almost one hour in bed trying to fall asleep. It was useless. My brain is too awake to even consider hibernation for the night. So, I decided to do learn some French on Duolingo, to read some articles online, and then I remembered my blog, this blog. I want to believe that if I work a bit, I will eventually get tired and I will sleep like a baby. But, in the meantime, I will get the most of my insomnia.
Writing this post is not as easy as it looks, at least for me. The ideas come to my mind a little fuzzy and disorganized. Besides, my writing skills are quite rusty, and I don't feel completely confident with what I am writing. To mitigate my doubts, I verify some phrases and check some vocabulary. Next, I will explain the process that involves writing these lines.
First, I start writing some points I would like to deal with in the article. When I have a few, I start thinking about how to develop the different ideas. This usually involves weighing the advantages and disadvantages of every one of these ideas, or just explaining what it is without judging.
After writing a few paragraphs I start thinking about how they should be ordered, and the ideas organized. This criteria, or way to do things, is not very orthodox, but it works for me. I also try to find a way to put on paper all I have on my mind while I am working on the new blog post.
I also have to admit that I do not always proceed in the same way. Sometimes, I decide to focus on the structure of the text, and I make an effort to follow some guidelines that I have learned over the years. However, I can feel inspired and then choose to take some risks focusing on the way to express the ideas without paying too much attention to the way it is structured.
Finally, I can see that this is not going to be one of my best works, but it is enough for me because it helped me to spend more than half an hour of this foreseeable long night. Additionally, it would be great if it was a bit boring to read it so it could help me to get to sleep, although I do not have too much faith on that. Maybe I will write about that in a future post.

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