martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020


Human beings live on a planet built to facilitate their life and they model the world to better accommodate their needs and that way makes their life easier. Taking this into account, all humans  should feel comfortable and should not experience any sort of trouble performing daily tasks. Accessing a building, watching TV, having a drink at a bar, or going to the toilet. for example, should not represent an enormous effort. Despite this, for people with some kind of disability access to simple things can become very difficult, very long, and even very risky.

There are several possible causes of this situation. For instance, people's selfishness and lack of education seem to be at the core of the problem. Not caring about others' problems is not uncommon these days and this attitude produces complications like the lack of accessibility. The lack of education is always a problem and when it comes to accessibility it means that the ones who design the world do not take into account some people's needs. Sometimes, this is because they are not aware of the distress people with disabilities suffer every day of their lives just because of the additional obstacles they find in their ways. Other times, the cost of doing things the right way is just not worth it according to their standards. However, if it is considered that every person will suffer from some disability sooner or later, this idea does not make much sense.

As possible solutions to tackle this situation are to modify and enforce laws to contemplate most vulnerable people's needs. In addition, schools should show students by example how people with some type of disability struggle on a daily basis. As an example, kids should drive a wheelchair for several days to suffer the inconveniences that people with mobility problems have every day of their lives. Thus, people will have knowledge of this circumstance during their entire lives.

If humanity hopes for being equal and inclusive some action is required because right now it is not. Fortunately, there are a lot of thorough people fighting to achieve a better world where everyone is an important part. 

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