lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Snore or gym?

Lucky day for people who snore while sleeping. The results of an investigation reveal that heavy snorers burn more fat than people that do not snore, even when they are not sleeping. This study has been published in December issue of a medicine journal in the United States.
In this research work was involved more than 200 volunteers, some of them suffering from sleep-related breathing disorders like snoring or sleep apnea. Doctors used a calorimeter to obtain information about the energy expenditure of patients. This device measures the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production and that let them calculate the calories that each patient burn per day.
It is known that people fat or obese is more propense to suffer breathing problems and maybe the excess of burnt calories is because if people is heavier then they have to use more energy to move their bodies. Obviously, if most of the snoring people is fat or obese then the fact that they burn more calories than other people is not relevant.
In any case, although burning more calories seems to be a good result if you want to reduce your weight, it has several inconvenients associated. In fact, people who snore has several problems like fatigue and other that reduce physical performance during the day. Moreover, it is not a wise habit, mainly if you do not sleep alone and you do not want to lose your bed partner.

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